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What is Covered by Insurance? (Roof Repairs/Replacement)

Whether your roof has been damaged by a storm or a falling tree, it is important to know what is (and what isn’t) covered by your homeowner’s insurance. Home insurance companies view roofs to be one of the most essential parts of your home. And some insurers won’t even provide coverage your house if the…

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Should You Get a Roof Inspection?

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “It’s better to be proactive than reactive.” When it comes to protecting the roof that’s above your head, this statement couldn’t be more accurate! So, should you get a roof inspection? Our answer is an astounding “YES!” The roofing specialists at Performance Roofing explain why… Don’t Just Assume. Unless you…

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What Makes Up a Roof? The Various Layers Explained

A roof is just the top of a house, right? Nope! In fact, a roof is a complex system comprised of various layers that work together to protect your home from outdoor elements. Should one of those essential layers start to fail, it can affect the integrity of the entire roof. The roofing professionals at…

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